NABTEB GCE Nov/Dec Registration Form 2021
(NABTEB) has announced the commencement of the sale of the 2021 National Business Certificate (NBC) / National Technical Certificate (NTC) and General Education Advanced National Business Certificate (ANBC) / Advanced National Technical Certificate (ANTC) application form.
Where to Purchase NABTEB GCE Form
Registration PINs/Slots for the above-named examinations for private candidates are available for purchase at:
a. NABTEB Zonal Offices in Abuja, Kaduna, Yola, Osogbo, Enugu, and Benin City,
b. NABTEB Liaison Office in Abuja,
c. NABTEB Area Office in Lagos,
d. NABTEB State offices Nationwide and
e. NABTEB National Headquarters, Ikpoba Hill, Benin City.
Approved NABTEB centres are free to enter candidates for the examinations but they should obtain Registration PINs/Slots for each candidate from the designated selling points.
The registration for:
Nov/Dec NBC/NTC/General Education is N10,250 per candidate
Nov/Dec ANBC/ANTC is N12,250 per candidate.
GCE (Advanced Level) is N15,250 per candidate.
The registration fees cover examination fees, result checking, biometric registration, e-learning and information VCD.
Late registration will attract a penalty of N5,000.00 per candidate.
How to Register for the NABTEB GCE Form
Candidates should visit https://novdec.nabteb.gov.ng/ to log on with the Pin. Candidates are advised to carefully study the Entry Guide, Examination Structure, Time-Table, List of Centres and Trades available at each Centre, as well as other relevant instructions.
Make sure your passport is 160px by 200px and size is less than 30kb
Click on the ‘Start Here’ link
Fill in the PIN, and serial number got from the purchased scratch card
Fill the form displayed and submit
Write down your Candidate Number in a safe place
Things not to do in the Portal
Do not use a card that has already been used for another candidate
Do not enter an invalid e-mail address for the result to be sent as this will penalize you by deducting your card use
Read: How to Check NABTEB GCE Result
NABTEB GCE Nov/Dec Registration Form 2021
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