- Every new staff work on probation for 3 months before the appointment is made permanent.
- The corporate policy of the company is corporate prayer every morning. Every staff is expected to be part of this notwithstanding your religion.
- You are expected to submit the following document:
*Photocopy of all credentials *Complete profile in CV form *Guarantor’s letter (cover letter)
- Use of bad language and unethical behavior is strictly prohibited. Any act of violence; fight, gossip.
- The nature of work demand team spirit. You must work in collaboration.
- If you misbehave to any member of the management or staff, you lose your job. If you are sacked, you are not entitled to any salary.
- The maximum Query you can receive in a year is 3. After these, your job can be terminated.
- Shouting and every act of talkativeness that hinders work progress is prohibited.
- Excessive use of phone either calling or browsing outside the demand of your work is frowned at.
- Roaming about within the working premises will constitute a distraction except a management member on supervision.
- Any act of rudeness to constituted authority or management team is not acceptable and will lead to termination of appointment.
- Unnecessary delay in the execution of instruction or passing discouraging comment is seen as anti-progress.
- Any movement outside the working premises must be recorded in a movement book and approved by the superior officer around.
- Every act of violence or rough play in the office environment is highly prohibited.
- Playing of music on phone is a personal entertainment, hence it must not be loud or an earpiece should be used in the computer and writing department. Except during break time or from the company radio at the finishing section.
- Stealing of office materials is prohibited.
- The Morning Prayer time shall be between 7:50am and 8:30am daily except on special ministration by the MD or during 7 days prayer which will not exceed 10:00am.
- The Chapel program is to be coordinated by the Chaplain, who prepares the monthly guide/roaster of activities and handlers.
- The Muslim staffs are to go for prayer once in a day. Hence they are to agree as to when they are to go together. Except on Friday for Jumat.
- Lateness to work: Anything after 8:15am is considered as lateness with a penalty of removal of an hour pay from your monthly pay. A call/sms of permission should be sent 5 hours ahead.
- Absenteeism: Failure to come to work without carefully sought permission and written approval will attract deduction of a day pay from monthly salary. Except in the case of emergency or unforeseen challenges. Any staff who indulges in absenting himself/herself from work without permission is at risk of losing the job as he/she will be replaced.
- Daily Break: 30 minutes break time must be observed by all staff between 1:00pm and 1:30pm daily except those who are on outside engagement and special assignment.
- Dressing Code: The standard of dressing for staff is corporate on Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays. Every Wednesday is for customized wear, Friday is for native attires and Saturdays is for casual. The wearing of skimpy seductive dresses is highly prohibited. Any staff found violating the dressing code will be sacked.
- There is no oral permission henceforth; all permission requests should be in written form.
- All the listed Rules and Regulations would be duly observed, any worker who could not abide by the company new policy should kindly quit.
April 2, 2021