How to Contact Jiji Customer Service Online: Step-by-Step Guide

How to Contact Jiji Customer Service Online Step-by-Step Guide

jiji customer care
Need to contact Jiji customer service? Call 07066123112 or 09130742511 for quick help, or follow our easy guide to reach Jiji support online. | “contact Jiji customer service

It will interest you to note that you can now reach (the number one online marketplace in Nigeria.) No need to worry on trying to call and no one is responding. You can now chat with jiji on WhatsApp, phone calls or even direct text messages. Kindly follow our step by step guide in this article in order to reach out to

Ways to contact jiji

Below are the various proven and effective ways to reach out to jiji in Nigeria

  1. By WhatsApp chat or call to 09130742511
  2. By direct call to 07066123112
  3. By Text messages sent to the above numbers
  4. You can also send an email to contact jiji

What jiji customer care can do for you

Now that you now know the most effective ways to reach out to jiji customer care service, you should also know what the service center can do for you. They are explained below:

  1. To create a professional seller’s account for you (09130742511 )
  2. To get general knowledge on the various subscription packages on jiji
  3. To resolve duplicate accounts or blocked jiji account
  4. To resolve photo id upload rejection for jiji account verification
  5. To get guides on how to subscribe for any of the premium services
  6. To set up your account on jiji
  7. General knowledge on how to upload your products for good visibility.
  8. If you want to talk to a staff of jiji

What jiji customer care cannot do for you

You should also know that there are limits to what jiji customer care representative can do for you. Below are the various things that jiji customer care cannot do for you:

  1. They cannot managed an account that already has previous managers
  2. No customer care manager is mandated to upload seller products for sellers. the business owners or sellers are advised to upload their products by themselves.
  3. Subscription payments are to be done by the vendors or sellers, though with guide from the customer care representative
  4. jiji customer care representatives cannot delete sellers account. However if the seller wishes at any point to delete his/her account, that will have to be done by the seller himself/herself


Getting in touch with Jiji customer service is now simple and convenient! Whether you need assistance with your account, guidance on subscription options, or help with setting up as a seller, Jiji’s support team is just a call or message away. Reach them directly at 07066123112 or 09130742511 via call, WhatsApp, or text. With these options, Jiji ensures that both buyers and sellers have quick, reliable support on Nigeria’s leading online marketplace.

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