The Biggest publishing firm in Ilorin Kwara State Nigeria (MDP)
Business Developers have confirmed that there are basically 5 proceedures to measure the size of a company:
- Target customers.
- The number of target customers.
- Penetration rate.
- Potential market size: Volume and value.
- Number of Staff.
In book publication Kwara state Nigeria, There is only one Known Publisher that is found to have these Basic qualifications as stated above. (MIGHTY DEMOLEX EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHERS COMPANY. THE OWNER OF LGC BOOKS BRAND). they have their head office located at 22 jatto off kilanko kaure Ilorin, kwara state Nigeria. They are known for the publication of excellent educational books across the nation. They have the supply capacity of over 10,000,000 (ten million) books per term and presently supply to over 5,000 schools across the nation with branches in virtually all the 36 states in Nigeria. They have over 300 books title to their name… They also have an online store where orders can be made instantly and delivery is assured that same day. They have Over 100 staff on their payroll.

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